Engineering at HousingAnywhere

We research and apply technology to solve real problems for homeowners and tenants.

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1000s of property managers and millions of home-seekers use the products built by our engineers. As we continue to scale, we build with a shared vision.



We don’t just write code. We’re here to help solve problems for our customers through technology.



By working with and learning from each other, we become more efficient and effective.



We’re empowered to grow both personally and professionally, so we can scale faster and make an impact.

How we're set up

3 departments, infinite possibilities

We’re organised into self-contained teams. You can pick the discipline you want to grow in but can also move to another later.

Product engineering

Product engineering

We develop the products loved by our users and the company.

Platform engineering

Platform engineering

We develop tools, frameworks, and techniques to make our developers effective.

Data science & engineering

Data science & engineering

We use data for insights and new product opportunities.

How we work

Principles that guide our day-to-day work


By working together and through shared responsibility, we conceive, build, and deliver secure software at top speed.

Modular monoliths

We obsess over creating interchangeable, reusable, and repurposable features that are easier to understand and faster to deploy.

Continuous delivery

Through frequent, automated releases, we deliver rapidly and responsibly while testing repeatedly, making our workflows more streamlined and us more productive.

Clean architecture

Our work is organised to allow for quick adapting to changing technology and interfaces.

Domain-driven design

Using business logic in our code simplifies the complex to the essential, helping us innovate better and craft elegant systems designed for business value.

Agile manifesto

We care more about individuals and interactions over processes and tools, to rapidly respond to change over following a plan.

Who we hire

Roles in Engineering

Our work environment is our playground, a place to practice, make mistakes, reflect, and grow.

Software engineers

Uses software to build features that deliver impact

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Builds and evolves our cloud infrastructure for security and scalability

Data engineers

Collects data to get them ready to find insights.

QA Automation engineer

Builds automation to ship software faster

Analytics engineers

Transforms data to get them ready to find insights.

Data scientist

Creates decision-making models based on Machine learning



What you’ll work with

Our services are mostly built with the following stack

  • Programming languages

    Go, Typescript, Javascript, NodeJS

  • Frameworks

    React, Gin, NextJS

  • Code revision


  • Persistence

    Postgresql, Redis, GCP Bucket

  • Infrastructure

    GCP, Kubernetes, Docker

  • Delivery

    Jenkins, FluxCD

  • Quality

    Cypress, React Testing Library, Gomega, Ginkgo

  • Project Management

    Jira, Confluence, OKRs, Technical Design Documents

  • Data

    Snowflake, dbt, stitch, Airflow, Rudderstack, Tableau

Real stories

Hear from your future teammates

Emil Bektimirov

I'm now more open to new technologies in my new role, which is what I wanted. I also really like my team. We know that there's no such thing as perfect code. What matters is that the end result is good.

Emil Bektimirov

Senior Software Engineer

Gustavo Bini

I show up on many channels and try to help. When I suggest a new way of doing things, people listen. We've created this friendly space where anyone can ask anyone else anything, and they'll get the support they need.

Gustavo Bini

Technical Lead

Life in Engineering

Hackathon: Fostering creativity and innovation

In October 2023, we hosted a HousingAnywhere Hackathon. It brought together 105 people from across the company and created a safe environment for everyone to learn.

The outcome? An open exchange of ideas and knowledge, to grow our skills as individuals and as a company.

Life in Engineering

Hiring process

Getting to know you

Our interviews are designed to be inclusive and educational.

Setting you up for success

Your strengths will help us grow. Any weaknesses are improvement points you can develop with us.

No whiteboards or leetcode

Your test challenge will be a sample of the work you can expect to do at HousingAnywhere.

Generalists over specialists

Tools, programming languages — these are just a means to an end. We care more about your approach to engineering.

How we hire

Ways to grow

Everyone has a path towards growth

HousingAnywhere is not just a work place. It’s where people can grow their skills and build their careers, on their terms.

Individual contributors

Individual contributors

For those who enjoy being versatile with their tactical skills and leading projects.



For those who shine as mentors and like to lead teams to success.