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9 private rooms for rent in San Francisco, United States

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Rooms for rent in San Francisco, CA

Looking to rent a room in San Francisco? On HousingAnywhere you will find extensive range of rooms for rent in San Francisco, CA. Narrow down your search based on price, size, amenities to find a room in San Francisco that best matches your budget and preferences. If you’re abroad and searching for a room to rent in San Francisco without viewings, then you can also do it simply and stress-free. Whether you’re searching for a private room or a single room in San Francisco, we’ve got you covered. Search available room for rent in San Francisco today and view detailed information to immediately apply online!

How much is a room rent in San Francisco?

The average rent for a room in San Francisco is $1,400 per month. However, this is just the average, you will find rental prices to range from $1,250 to $1,550 a month.